It looks like there finally may be some light in the tunnel. Recently there has been some hope for Chicagoans as mayor Lightfoot announced that Chicago restaurants could be allowed to reopen as early as June. In addition to that residents may be allowed to sit outside to enjoy various activities such as music or theater. However, the lakefront will not be able to open anytime soon.
Thank you your majesty, for being so kind and gifting your humble servants with something that you stole from us in the first place, our freedom! That is right you have heard us, ruling classes. You have used Covid19 and the entire lockdown as an excuse to take away our liberties and basic civil rights, all in the name of flattening the curve.
The Chicago mayor went on to say that she wants the “city to return to some kind of summer life in June”. Oh how generous of you, your majesty. She also went on to say that “she knows that people are anxious to go outside” and that “we have learned that being outside is so much better than being cooped up inside”. Brilliant! Our majesty major lightfoot is not only generous but also very wise.
After all Lightfoot has set stricter plans for the city of Chicago than our already dictatorial governor Pritzker for the entire state of Illinois. While many other states have already REOPENED, we remain in de-facto total lockdown with stay at home orders and essential travel only. Under the lightfoot plan, a minimum of 135,000 residents would need to be tested per month. And positive rates would need to decrease below 15% of those tested across the city for at least 14 days of declining rates of new cases in order for any loosening of restrictions to occur.
I think our dictators need to beg all these families whose livelihoods have been destroyed for forgiveness. The economic devastation that has ravaged our city will take years if not decades to recover. Thousands of jobs in the restaurant and service industry have been lost forever as many family run businesses have been permanently closed. Countless of people have committed suicide because they were unable to pay their bills and put foot on the table. Children have lost their parents while our mayor is sitting in her palace playing with our lives like a pawn in a chessgame.
The Illinois Restaurant Association has criticized Lightfoot’s plan as too strict already. We ask the mayor and governor how many more people need to go homeless and lives be lost before they stop torturing us.