You know I couldn’t help it but write this article today because I lost it. So while having coffee this morning and watching the morning show, a person called in asking the host if she “could open the windows” and let in fresh air. I mean are you serious?!?!? How stupid can you be. You know this outbreak would not be all so bad if it wasn’t for you people panicking and buying a year’s supplies of toilet paper. We already know the statistics and that the mortality rate for young and middle aged people is less than the seasonal flu around 1%!!! More people die from the flu and many other diseases every year. I cannot stop worrying about the grave economic catastrophe that will stem from this madness. Everything closed?!?! Are you kissing me. No one can afford to put the economy on ice for a few months this will bancrupt everyone. I understand advising senior citizens who are vulnerable to self isolate and to shop during special hours. And yes it is good that schools are closed because kids are asymptomatic and spread the virus far longer than anyone else. But help me god don’t shut down the entire economy. I think by the time this is over most people will wish that they would have died from the virus because they will be unemployed, broke and in foreclosure. Please don’t panic everyone. The show must go on. Oh and please wash your hands. How can anyone not wash his hands after going to the bathroom ewww. You should have been doing that long before the coronavirus.